
Munich show
We have exhibited at the Munich High-end Show.
The show was a great success with more visitors than expected.
It seems that the number of visitors from Europe is the same as before, and the number of visitors from Asia has decreased.
We mainly demonstrated the new product ES-001, but many customers were really interested in it.
Regarding the difference in sound, which is important, we demonstrated about 50 times, but almost all customers were able to recognize the difference in sound (200μ → 20μ or less) with and without eccentricity.
There were many opinions such as “I didn’t think it was so different” and “There is a dramatic change”.
I was also happy to receive many compliments for the development of ES-001.
The development of this ES-001 required a lot of human and financial investment.
And given the expected number of products that will sell, it’s easy to imagine that it will be difficult to recover the investment, let alone profit.
However, I knew that, but I didn’t stop development because I thought that these products were the ones that DS Audio had to work on. Creating the future of analog music This is DS Audio’s brand policy.
It is the mission of DS Audio to create products that no one has created, such as this ES-001 eccentricity detection stabilizer, and to create the future of analog.
Keeping this mission is paramount, and we don’t want to be a brand that is driven by sales and short-term profits. With that in mind, we have continued to develop this product.
As a result, we are very pleased that many customers have appreciated our technical efforts.
This time, we had a demonstration of the DS003 cartridge at the EMM Lab booth and the Grand Master cartridge at the Zelatton booth.
We were able to meet with several manufacturers who are planning to develop equalizers equipped with optical cartridges, so we hope that they will demonstrate optical cartridges at several booths again next year.