Grand Master Extreme

New analog extreme
Grand Master Extreme
Analog extreme ONE PIECE DIAMOND
"Despite my adoration of Decca,Soundsmith and Koetsu pick-ups,HFN Feb ’21 saw me write, ‘TheGrand Master is so truly supremein resolution, transparency,spatial recreation, neutrality andany other parameter I can namethat it’s impossible for me to notsay what I usually try to avoid:“This may be the best cartridgeI’ve ever heard”’. This time, Icannot deny: the Grand MasterExtreme is even better."Hi Fi News Ken Kessler 2023 August


One-piece diamond cantilever
The Grand Master Extreme employs a 0.22mm square one-piece diamond cantilever, where the diamond cantilever and the needle tip are crafted from a single diamond. Typically, the diamond tip of the cantilever and the needle tip are bonded together using adhesive. However, with the one-piece diamond cantilever, the cantilever and the needle tip are integrated into a single unit, enabling a more direct transmission of information from the needle tip.
- Grand Master Extreme Optical Cartridge
- Signal output
- Photo-electric Conversion
- Channel separation
- 27db more(1kHz)
- Weight
- 7.7g
- Output signal level
- 70mV more
- Canti-lever & Needle
- Body material
- Ultra duralumin
- Cantilever holder material
- Stainless
- Needle pressure
- 2.0g~2.2g(2.1g is recommended)
- Stylus
- Micro Ridge
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